
10 reasons to do your internship in Chania

September 7, 2017
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10 reasons to do your Internship in Chania

You probably know Athens, you probably know Mykonos and NOW you will learn about Chania in Crete. How can you combine your Internship in Chania with an amazing stay? Let’s get into it!

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10 reasons to participate in Erasmus Placement at YEC

August 2, 2017
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10 reasons to participate in Erasmus Placement at YEC

What is exactly Erasmus + Placement?

The Erasmus + Placment program is a European Union student internship program. Internships can take place in almost all European countries from 3 to 12 months. Students can thus work in a company, university, research center or other organization abroad and gain professional experience. 

Erasmus Placement

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OPENISME Research & Business Platform.

May 22, 2017
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openismeOPENISME (Open Platform for Innovative SMEs) is designed to help enhance the innovation capacity for smaller firms through the creation of novel “Open Innovation” collaborations between European SMEs and research partners.

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Startup Europe Week Crete 2017 PRESS RELEASE

April 24, 2017
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Σύλλογος Νεανικής Επιχειρηματικότητας _ Startup Europe Week Crete 2017

European Conference Startup Europe Week Crete (SEWCrete), was completed at the “House of Civilisation” on Friday, February 10th, in Rethymnon city, with more than 200 visitors. The event was the last of a series, with the theme of entrepreneurship and startups, held through 3 prefectures of Crete. The conference hosted in overall, more than 800 visitors, 80 speakers, 50 volunteers, 20 supporters and 10 workshops.

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Two days events for Europe Day

August 22, 2016
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Two days event for the Europe Day, on the 9th of May, will held by the European Commission Representation in Greece and the European Parliament Office, with the support of the Region of Crete and the Municipality of Chania, on the 13th and 14th of May 2016, at the Cultural Centre of Chania.

The events will include activities, workshops and presentations for students, young professionals and businessmen, parents and teachers and the event will culminate with Expanded Regional Conference on European financial tools and developing opportunities for Crete.

The events will attend and participate MEPs, EU Officials and local and regional authorities and representatives of productive organizations and social partners.

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Crete is a Brand Name tourist destination

August 22, 2016
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The placement of Erica Christodoulou on the two days event about the Europe day.” Taking advantage of the new technologies at the level of individual enterprise and at the level of collective bodies, we can enter the new era. Using the internet marketing and the tools we have can control the image of the tourist destination called Crete.

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