
Envolve – Επόμενος Σταθμός: Επιχειρηματικότητα

October 2, 2019
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Envolve – Επόμενος Σταθμός: Επιχειρηματικότητα

To Envolve Entrepreneurship ταξιδεύει σε όλη την Ελλάδα με συνεργάτη το Youth Entrepreneurship Club | Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Greece!

Με την 24η Οκτωβρίου να έχει οριστεί ως νέα προθεσμία αιτήσεων για το διαγωνισμό βράβευσης του οργανισμού, το Envolve συνεχίζει το ταξίδι του σε ακόμη περισσότερες πόλεις ανά την Ελλάδα, με σκοπό να εξερευνήσει και να υποστηρίξει τις τοπικές κοινότητες επιχειρηματικότητας και καινοτομίας.


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I #FeelGood Photo Video Contest

August 21, 2019
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I #FeelGoodThe contest that takes you to Brussels and makes you feel good

There are only a few days left until we find the two millenials that will travel to Brussels and attend the most #FeelGood party in Europe! You can still make it and claim your seat!

What does inclusion mean to you? What makes you feel good? Can you depict those special moments through a photo or a video? If yes, you can be part of TandEM’s project contest which can lead you to Brussels. IOM through TandEM project, addresses to youth communities, encourages communication between different cultures, enhances education, promotes understanding and supports integration. Two lucky millennials 19-29 years old, will have the opportunity to travel to the heart of Europe, Brussels, by sending a video or a photo with an inclusion story that makes them feel good.

The submission date is until 15th September, while in the project participate young people from Italy, Malta, Spain, Greece, Cyprus & Croatia. Two lucky ones from each country will win a trip to Brussels to attend the TandEM final event gala, where all winning entries will be showcased. All winners will also have the chance to visit the European Commission and the European Parliament. The 2 winners “Southern Europe best video and Southern Europe best photo” will be announced during the same night and will receive exciting additional prizes.

Are you feeling good already? Then click here and claim the next flight to Brussels!

#FeelGood #IomGreece

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I #FeelGood Διαγωνισμός

August 21, 2019
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I #FeelGood: Ο διαγωνισμός που σε κάνει να νιώθεις καλά και σε στέλνει…στις Βρυξέλλες 

Mόνο λίγες μέρες έμειναν για τους δύο  millenials που θα ταξιδέψουν στις Βρυξέλλες και θα βρεθούν στο πιο #FeelGood party της Ευρώπης!
Προλαβαίνεις να διεκδικήσεις τη θέση σου!

Ο Διεθνής Οργανισμός Μετανάστευσης (ΔΟΜ) μέσω τους προγράμματος TandEM, που ενθαρρύνει την επικοινωνία, την ανταλλαγή γνώσεων και προωθεί την πολυπολιτισμικότητα και την ένταξη σε ένα διεθνές περιβάλλον, διοργανώνει τον πιο …φευγάτο διαγωνισμό I#FeelGood ! Στις Βρυξέλλες, εκεί που χτυπάει η καρδιά της Ευρώπης, θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να βρεθούν δύο τυχεροί 19-29 ετών. Δεν έχουν παρά να αποτυπώσουν σε μία φωτογραφία ή ένα βίντεο ποιο είναι εκείνο το στοιχείο της χώρας που τους κάνει να αισθάνονται καλά.

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Tech Enthusiast Journalists

November 9, 2017
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Tech Enthusiast Journalists

As a Journalists you will work from distance & closely with your colleagues at our Head Office in Crete for approximately five hours per week.

You will be responsible for the following duties:  

  • Create, write and assemble together news stories that will interest our audience
  • Gather together a number of different sources to ensure that all the arguments are represented
  • Creation of press releases
  • Writing and edit tech related articles
  • Research articles
  • Attend at our events
  • Interview participants at events
  • Proofread texts and documents
  • Verify statements and facts
  • Stay up to date with important entrepreneurial contents

 Obligatory Skills & Experience:

  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in Communication, Journalism, English language, or in a relevant field
  • Excellent writing and communication skills,
  • Proficient in writing
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office 2016 (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and WordPress.
  • Good organizational and analytical skills
  • Tech enthusiastic
  • Ability to work both individually and in a team
  • Result driven and creative thinking
  • Ability to communicate in a multicultural environment

As an asset:

  • MSc/MA in Communication, Journalism, English language, or in a relevant field
  • Knowledge of another European language
  • Enthusiasm
  • Innovational skills

What we offer:

  • Working in a creative, dynamic and young environment
  • Being a full member of the Organization
  • Attending at status meetings with brainstorming ideas for content development
  • Benefitting from our think tank
  • Knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Own work schedule
  • Participation at any event of the YEC

You keep the public abreast of our events, our projects and our organizations entrepreneurial environment. You will evaluate the performance of processes, create new systems and procedures and you will work closely with our team. Innovative ideas located outside the box, applied creativity, and an inquisitive mindset are very desirable.

Even if you have not all the ‘ Obligatory Skills & Experience ‘, but you have the passion and willingness to learn, please fill out the form. We review applications in a regular basis. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

For further information, please contact us.

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Startup Europe Week Crete 2017 PRESS RELEASE

April 24, 2017
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Σύλλογος Νεανικής Επιχειρηματικότητας _ Startup Europe Week Crete 2017

European Conference Startup Europe Week Crete (SEWCrete), was completed at the “House of Civilisation” on Friday, February 10th, in Rethymnon city, with more than 200 visitors. The event was the last of a series, with the theme of entrepreneurship and startups, held through 3 prefectures of Crete. The conference hosted in overall, more than 800 visitors, 80 speakers, 50 volunteers, 20 supporters and 10 workshops.

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Η εμπειρία μου από το Startup Europe Week 2016 ως εθελοντής.

January 8, 2017
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startup-youth-chaniaΤο πρώτο πανευρωπαϊκό συνέδριο «Startup Europe Week»  πραγματοποιήθηκε στα Χανιά 4 και 5 Φεβρουαρίου, με επίσημο πρεσβευτή το Σύλλογο Νεανικής Επιχειρηματικότητας (Youth Entrepreneurship Club) και συνδιοργανωτές την Περιφέρεια Κρήτης / Π.Ε.Χανίων και το ΚΕΠΠΕΔΗΧ-ΚΑΜ. 

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