
YEC talks about Startup Europe Week Crete

February 24, 2019
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Startup Europe Week Crete 2019

Σας προσκαλούμε στη δράση YEC talks about Startup Europe Week Crete που είναι ένα ενημερωτικό event με σκοπό την παρουσίαση του συνεδρίου θεσμό για την επιχειρηματικότητα και καινοτομία στην Κρητη, που γίνεται φέτος για 4η συνεχόμενη χρονιά.
Ελάτε σε αυτή τη δωρεάν και ανοιχτή προς όλους δράση για να ενημερωθείτε για το πλήρες πρόγραμμα του συνεδρίου και να δείτε πώς μπορείτε να είστε μέρος του μεγαλύτερου συνεδρίου για την startup επιχειρηματικότητα στην Ελλάδα, το Startup Europe Week Crete
Το αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα του event:
– Παρουσίαση YEC (Μη κερδοσκοπικός Οργανισμός)
– Παρουσίαση Agenda/Workshops του συνεδρίου Startup
Europe Week Crete 2019
– Γιατί να παρευρεθείς στο Startup Europe Week Crete 2019
Η συγκεκριμένη δράση θα πραγματοποιηθεί ως εξής:
  • Δευτέρα 25/2/2019 στις 13:00 στο Πανεπιστήμιο Ρεθύμνου, αίθουσα Δ1Α.
  • Τρίτη 26/2/2019 στις 12:00 στο Παεπιστήμιο Ηρακλείου, Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών, αίθουσα Α121.
  • Τρίτη 26/2/2019 στις 14:00 στο ΤΕΙ Ηρακλείου στην αίθουσα σεμιναρίων ΣΔΟ (1ος όροφος) σε συνεργασία με το Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης ΤΕΙ Κρήτης και την Εθελοντική ομάδα ConnecTEIng.

** Οι ημερομηνίες και ώρες των αντίστοιχων δράσεων σε Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης και ΤΕΙ Αγίου Νικολάου θα ανακοινωθούν μέσα στις επόμενες μέρες.

Το κύριο event του Συνεδίου Startup Europe Week Crete 2019 θα διεξαχθεί στις:

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YEC Ambassador

November 9, 2017
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YEC Ambassador

As an Ambassador of the Youth Entrepreneurship Club you will work closely with your team for approximately five hours per week.

You will be responsible for the following duties:  

  • Spread the message of Innovation & Entrepreneurship at your region. (eg. organise monthly event, participate in local events, universitites etc.)
  • Develop the communication and presentation plan (i.e. strategy, goals, budget and tactics)
  • Create and rethink how to communicate the YEC’s strategy
  • Prepare speeches and presentations which inspire
  • Evaluate opportunities for partnerships, sponsorship and advertising
  • Know every aspect of our organization

 Obligatory Skills & Experience:

  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in communication, public relations, or in a relevant field
  • Excited about to speak in public and to big audiences
  • To speak in public without notes
  • Proficient in writing
  • High self-confidence
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Good organizational and analytical skills
  • Ability to work both individually and in a team
  • Result driven and creative thinking
  • Ability to communicate in a multicultural environment

As an asset:

  • Knowledge of another European language
  • Enthusiasm
  • Innovational skills
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset

What we offer:

  • Working in a creative, dynamic and young environment
  • Being a full member of the Organization
  • Participating at status meetings with brainstorming ideas for content development
  • Benefiting from our think tank
  • Knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Own work schedule
  • Participation at any event of the YEC
  • Yearly Assemby with other YEC Ambassadors

You will maintain a keen understanding of entrepreneurial trends. You will be the ready voice of our organization. You will get in touch with all areas of our organization and the public. You will transport our vision, mission and overall goal to the public affecting our projects and make appropriate recommendations regarding our communication strategy.
You have a passion for creating the best image for yourself and for the YEC, working in a highly cooperative and multicultural environment.

Even if you have not all the ‘ Obligatory Skills & Experience ‘, but you have the passion and willingness to learn, please fill out the form. We review applications in a regular basis. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

For further information, please contact us.

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Tech Enthusiast Journalists

November 9, 2017
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Tech Enthusiast Journalists

As a Journalists you will work from distance & closely with your colleagues at our Head Office in Crete for approximately five hours per week.

You will be responsible for the following duties:  

  • Create, write and assemble together news stories that will interest our audience
  • Gather together a number of different sources to ensure that all the arguments are represented
  • Creation of press releases
  • Writing and edit tech related articles
  • Research articles
  • Attend at our events
  • Interview participants at events
  • Proofread texts and documents
  • Verify statements and facts
  • Stay up to date with important entrepreneurial contents

 Obligatory Skills & Experience:

  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in Communication, Journalism, English language, or in a relevant field
  • Excellent writing and communication skills,
  • Proficient in writing
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office 2016 (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and WordPress.
  • Good organizational and analytical skills
  • Tech enthusiastic
  • Ability to work both individually and in a team
  • Result driven and creative thinking
  • Ability to communicate in a multicultural environment

As an asset:

  • MSc/MA in Communication, Journalism, English language, or in a relevant field
  • Knowledge of another European language
  • Enthusiasm
  • Innovational skills

What we offer:

  • Working in a creative, dynamic and young environment
  • Being a full member of the Organization
  • Attending at status meetings with brainstorming ideas for content development
  • Benefitting from our think tank
  • Knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Own work schedule
  • Participation at any event of the YEC

You keep the public abreast of our events, our projects and our organizations entrepreneurial environment. You will evaluate the performance of processes, create new systems and procedures and you will work closely with our team. Innovative ideas located outside the box, applied creativity, and an inquisitive mindset are very desirable.

Even if you have not all the ‘ Obligatory Skills & Experience ‘, but you have the passion and willingness to learn, please fill out the form. We review applications in a regular basis. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

For further information, please contact us.

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IT Specialist

November 8, 2017
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Information Technology Specialist

As IT Specialist you will work closely with your colleagues at our Head Office in Crete for approximately five hours per week.

You will be responsible for the following duties:  

  • Create high-quality, innovative and fully performing IT-Systems
  • Provide maintenance and operations on our computer systems and networks
  • Assist in the set up and troubleshooting of our offices
  • Manage and oversee departmental quota
  • Develop new IT strategies
  • Manage Daily operations
  • Monitor our IT infrastructure
  • Install, diagnose, repair, maintain, update hardware and software
  • Find helpful hardware and software for our projects and organization to increase efficiency

 Obligatory Skills & Experience:

  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in Computer Science, Information Technology or in a relevant field
  • Good organizational and analytical skills
  • Proficiency in project management, coordination, task management and scheduling
  • Technical writing skills and ability to document processes, procedures and instructions
  • Self motivated and self driven
  • Excellent IT, communication, leadership and management skills
  • Good knowledge of written and spoken English language

As an asset:

  • Knowledge of another European language
  • Experience with public-facing systems
  • Enthusiasm
  • Self-confidence
  • Creativity
  • Working well under pressure
  • Knowledge of basic psychology
  • Experiences in recruiting

What we offer:

  • Working in a creative, dynamic and young environment
  • Being a full member of the Organization
  • Attending at status meetings with brainstorming ideas for content development
  • Benefitting from our think tank
  • Knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Own work schedule
  • Participation at any event of the YEC
  • International environment
  • Excellent opportunity to practice languages and develop new skills

You are the key for the successful digital implementation and organization of our projects and our organizations entrepreneurial environment.

Even if you have not all the ‘ Obligatory Skills & Experience ‘, but you have the passion and willingness to learn, please fill out the form. We review applications for IT Specialist in a regular basis. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

For further information, please contact us.

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Public Relations Manager

November 8, 2017
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Public Relations Manager

As a Public Relations Manager you will work closely with your colleagues at our Head Office in Crete for approximately five hours per week.

You will be responsible for the following duties:  

  • Design our overall marketing, media and corporate image strategy on an ongoing basis
  • Develop the marketing communications plan (i.e. strategy, goals, budget and tactics)
  • Create and rethink the media relations strategy
  • Create content for press releases
  • Evaluate opportunities for partnerships, sponsorship and advertising

 Obligatory Skills & Experience:

  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in communication, public relations, or in a relevant field
  • Excellent communication skill
  • Proficient in writing
  • Proficient problem-solving skills
  • Good organizational and analytical skills
  • Ability to work both individually and in a team
  • Result driven and creative thinking
  • Ability to communicate in a multicultural environment

As an asset:

  • MSc/MA in communication, public relations, or in a relevant field
  • Knowledge of another European language
  • Enthusiasm
  • Innovational skills
  • Self-confidence

What we offer:

  • Working in a creative, dynamic and young environment
  • Being a full member of the Organization
  • Attending at status meetings with brainstorming ideas for content development
  • Benefitting from our think tank
  • Knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Own work schedule
  • Participation at any event of the YEC

You will maintain a keen understanding of entrepreneurial trends affecting our projects and make appropriate recommendations regarding our communication strategy.
Our PR volunteers have a passion for creating the best image for themselves and for their employer, working in a highly cooperative and multicultural environment.

Even if you have not all the ‘ Obligatory Skills & Experience ‘, but you have the passion and willingness to learn, please fill out the  form. We review applications in a regular basis. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

For further information, please contact us.

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Graphic Designer

November 8, 2017
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Graphic Designer  

As a Graphic Designer you will work closely with your colleagues at our Head Office in Crete for approximately five hours per week.

You will be responsible for the following duties:  

  • Develop the overall layout and design for our organization and projects
  • Creatively develop new design concepts, graphics and layouts
  • Help in evolving concepts for product illustrations, company logos, and our websites
  • Brief and advise project managers with regard to design, style, format, print production and timescales
  • Review your final designs and layouts to comments if required
  • Advise colleagues and clients on strategies to reach a particular audience

 Obligatory Skills & Experience:

  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in Graphic Design, Media Design, Art, or in a relevant field
  • Good organizational and analytical skills
  • Proficient in the Adobe Creative Cloud (i.e. Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesgin etc.)
  • Ability to work both individually and in a team
  • Result driven and creative thinking
  • Professionalism regarding time, costs and deadlines
  • Ability to communicate in a multicultural environment

As an asset:

  • MSc/MA in graphic design, media design, art or in a relevant field
  • Knowledge of another European language
  • Enthusiasm
  • Self-confidence

What we offer:

  • Working in a creative, dynamic and young environment
  • Being a full member of the Organization
  • Attending at status meetings with brainstorming ideas for content development
  • Benefitting from our think tank
  • Knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Own work schedule
  • Participation at any event of the YEC

You design and create with your work the message of our organization and its entrepreneurial spirit to the public.

Even if you have not all the ‘ Obligatory Skills & Experience ‘, but you have the passion and willingness to learn, please fill out the  form. We review applications in a regular basis. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

For further information, please contact us.

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Human Resources Manager – Volunteer Position

November 8, 2017
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Human Resources Manager  

As a Human Resources Manager you will work closely with your colleagues at our Head Office in Crete for approximately five hours per week.

You will be responsible for the following duties:  

  • Monitor the comprehensive recruitment process
  • Prepare and update job descriptions
  • Create job postings on different media platforms
  • E-mail correspondence (i.e. with potential candidates)
  • Review applications & direct interviews
  • Arrange contracts
  • Organize schedules of incomings
  • Design and implement the HR strategy

 Obligatory Skills & Experience:

  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in Human Resources Management, Economics, Business or in a relevant field
  • Very good understanding and command in English
  • Excellent knowledge of Software (e.g. MS Office, Adobe Acrobat DC and WordPress)
  • Ability to work both individually and in a team
  • Result driven and creative thinking
  • Ability to communicate in a multicultural environment

As an asset:

  • Knowledge of another European language
  • Enthusiasm
  • Self-confidence
  • Knowledge of basic psychology
  • Experiences in recruiting

What we offer:

  • Working in a creative, dynamic and young environment
  • Being a full member of the Organization
  • Attending at status meetings with brainstorming ideas for content development
  • Benefitting from our think tank
  • Knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Own work schedule
  • Participation at any event of the YEC

As a volunteer in Human Resources, you will get in touch with the mission, vision, and goals of the YEC. You have the obligation to help to develop our strategy and overall goals on an ongoing basis.

Even if you have not all the ‘ Obligatory Skills & Experience ‘, but you have the passion and willingness to learn, please fill out the  form. We review applications in a regular basis. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

For further information, please contact us.

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Video Producer – Volunteer Position

October 17, 2017
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Video Producer  

As a Video Producer at YEC you will work closely with your colleagues at our Head Office in Chania for approximately five hours per week.

You will be responsible for the following duties:  

  • Create and assemble together all our video content
  • Develop stories that will interest our public sphere
  • Plan video shoots (e.g. scout, select and reserve shoot locations)
  • Prepare scripts, storyboards and the budget of a video production
  • Record and edit video and sound projects
  • Select the program format for the final output and the creation of static and motion graphics
  • Set deadlines and select optimal forms of the media for our projects

 Obligatory Skills & Experience:

  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in film, art, theater or in a relevant field
  • Proven experience in filming
  • Very good understanding of various camera types
  • Excellent knowledge of editing software (e.g. Final Cut, Adobe Premiere & After Effects, or similar)
  • Ability to work both individually and in a team
  • Result driven and creative thinking
  • Ability to communicate in a multicultural environment
  • Good communication skills in English

As an asset:

  • MSc/MA in film, art, theater or in a relevant field
  • Knowledge of another European language
  • Enthusiasm
  • Self-confidence
  • Steady hand

What we offer:

  • Working in a creative, dynamic and young environment
  • Being a full member of the Organization
  • Attending at status meetings with brainstorming ideas for content development
  • Benefitting from our think tank
  • Knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Own work schedule
  • Participation at any event of the YEC

You can tell one story a hundred different ways, to keep the public interested of our events, our projects and our organizations entrepreneurial environment.


Even if you have not all the ‘ Obligatory Skills & Experience ‘, but you have the passion and willingness to learn, please fill out the volunteer form. We review applications in a regular basis. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

For further information, please contact us.

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Marketing Manager – Volunteer Position

October 17, 2017
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Marketing Manager   

You will be responsible for the following duties:  

  • Implement our marketing strategy
  • Develop innovative marketing and sales plans
  • Discuss and review manuscripts and editorial proposals
  • Support the development of individual projects
  • Analyze individual publishing programs
  • Identify and recommend new business development opportunities

 Obligatory Skills & Experience:

  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in communication, management or marketing management
  • Know how to work under pressure to meet deadlines
  • Ability to work both individually and in a team
  • Result driven and creative thinking
  • Ability to communicate in a multicultural environment
  • Excellent communication skills in English, written and oral
  • Excellent organizational skills

As an asset:

  • MSc/MA in communication, management, marketing management or in a relevant field
  • Google AdWords certifications
  • Deep knowledge of SEO practices
  • Knowledge of another European language

What we offer:

  • Working in a creative, dynamic and young environment
  • Being a full member of the Organization
  • Attending at status meetings with brainstorming ideas for content development
  • Benefitting from our think tank
  • Knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Own work schedule
  • Participation at any event of the YEC

Our marketing Volunteers are playing a key role to represent the YEC to the public and the private sector.

Even if you have not all the ‘ Obligatory Skills & Experience ‘, but you have the passion and willingness to learn, please fill out the volunteer form. We review applications in a regular basis. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

For further information, please contact us.

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Event Manager – Volunteer Position

September 30, 2017
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Event Manager   

As an Event Manager at YEC you will work closely with your colleagues at our Head Office in Chania for approximately five hours per week.

You will be responsible for the following duties:  

  • Create and execute events
  • Manage speakers
  • Financial management of events
  • Follow-up phone calls to key participants
  • Provide on-site logistical support as needed
  • Identify possible events for entrepreneurship by conducting market research
  • Ensure events meet the strategic aims of the YEC
  • Evaluate events
  • Identify and keep up-to-date with event management trends
  • identify solutions, propose new processes, and drive improvements

 Obligatory Skills & Experience:

  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in communication, management, business administration or event management
  • Know how to work under pressure to meet deadlines
  • Ability to work both individually and in a team
  • Result driven and creative thinking
  • Ability to communicate in a multicultural environment
  • Excellent communication skills in English, written and oral
  • Excellent organizational skills

As an asset:

  • MSc/MA in communication, management, business administration, event management or in a relevant field
  • Google AdWords certifications
  • Deep knowledge of SEO practices
  • Knowledge of another European language

What we offer:

  • Working in a creative, dynamic and young environment
  • Being a full member of the Organization
  • Attending at status meetings with brainstorming ideas for content development
  • Benefitting from our think tank
  • Knowledge sharing with colleagues
  • Own work schedule
  • Participation at any event of the YEC

Even if you have not all the ‘ Obligatory Skills & Experience ‘, but you have the passion and willingness to learn, please fill out the  form.  We review applications in a regular basis. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

For further information, please contact us.

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